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Common Questions

What is the first step?

Call the office to explore if I am right for you. If you like what you hear on the phone, schedule an appointment for an assessment.

What occurs during the first meeting?

I will engage with and observe your child. Your child's general information, history and current concerns are gathered. Both parent and child have the opportunity to meet with me privately. Determination for the need for therapy and an assessment of the level of development and the ability of your child to cooperate with treatment will be made. Then together we define specific goals for your child and recommend the best course of treatment to reach those goals.

What are your fees?

Fees vary depending of the type of services provided. I will discuss fee schedule with you.

Will insurance cover the fees?

Insurance is not accepted, however out-of-network benefits may cover some of your costs. You need to explore this with your insurance company.  I will provide a bill with all the information needed to submit to your insurance company.

How frequent are the sessions?

This is decided on an individual basis and depends on the complexity and severity of the problem.

How long will treatment take?

It varies depending on the complexity and severity of the problem.

How do we measure success

Each child is assessed in specific areas of functioning at the beginning, during and end of treatment. Together we will measure progress based on the individual treatment goals created.

What is play therapy and how can it help?

For detailed information on play therapy, click here.

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